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Stella NumberProblem Title
1009.21 Squares on a Checkerboard
1009.31 Counting Squares
1009.41 Squares on a Lattice
1079.41 Word Triangle Arithmetic
1230.46 Tina's Trip
1240.11 A Fox, a Goose, and a Bag of Corn
1240.12 Four Men, Two Boys, and a Boat
1310.61 Never 100
1600.31 Getting to Fort Wayne
1640.61 The Largest What! The Smallest What!
2070.33 A Rectangular Box
2070.83 Bowling Uphill
2150.72 Find the Equivalent
2440.21 Duckburg to Possumtown
2440.70 Snow Tires Versus Ordinary Tires
2440.82 Gabriela and her Chauffeur
2440.93 Train Speed
2460.15 The Year the Old Cow Died
2740.11 Relating Two Logs
2850.61 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2 . . .
2890.11 Fibonacci Numbers Mod 11
3060.53 Red and Blue Point Parallelogram
3160.11 Triangle ABC is Isosceles
3261.11 Quadrilateral BCDF is a Rhombus
3420.12 Two Squares
3420.22 The Area of a Cross
3420.25 The Sum of Two Triangles
3420.26 Area of a Hexagon
3420.51 Area of a Regular Pentagon
3440.61 Design for a Pendant
3440.62 Area of an Axe Head
3470.51 A Triangle in a Circle
3500.21 Midpoint of a Chord?
3650.13 A Solid Cube of Bricks?
3650.21 Two Barrels
4200.11 Tetrahedron Cutoffs
4220.11 View to the Horizon
Results 1 to 37 of 37