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Stella NumberProblem Title
1000.11 Three Shapes, Three Numbers
1000.72 Clock Hands, Purple Flashes
1000.91 Chessboard Dominoes
1070.11 Limerick
1070.12 This Man's Father
1090.71 Twenty-Seven Little Cubes
1160.12 ALAS LASS (SEND MORE MONEY part 2)
1180.21 Missing Dollar
1230.32 Blue, White, and Gray
1230.47 Ant, Bat, Cat
1250.11 False Coin no. 1
1307.31 Consecutive Integers, Sum of 100
1470.12 Tearing and Stacking
1490.21 Prom Bands
1540.35 Apples on a Hike
1610.12 Primes in Product
1650.31 Divisibility Theorem (Sum)
2070.71 Next Perfect Square
2420.12 Hen and a Half, Variables
2440.12 Orthodontist
2452.13 Fifty Mycologists
2452.14 Math Team Average Weight
2460.11 Angela's Age
2490.11 Supermarket Apples
2500.12 Stationery
2500.71 Airplane Baggage
2530.11 Defined Operation; Find Formula
2544.11 Function as Average
3155.21 Jasmine and Biscuit
3500.31 Circle Around Three Squares
3500.41 Water Pipes Stack
3550.21 Clock with Revolutionary Bug
3550.23 Our Whirling, Twirling, Swirling World
3680.21 Grasshopper Jump
Results 1 to 34 of 34