Filter Settings
Stella Number | Problem Title |
1000.12 | Looping Paths |
1000.31 | Tents Among Four Trees |
1027.11 | Partition This Shape no. 1 |
1070.18 | Baklava |
1070.19 | Watson's Purchase |
1070.33 | Snails and Details |
1079.11 | Crabcake |
1090.31 | Mixed Sticks |
1100.51 | Agatha the Cow |
1170.42 | Can't Change a Dollar Bill |
1170.94 | Total Tree Growth |
1180.32 | Commute to Possum City |
1180.35 | Flutists and Violinists |
1180.43 | Gleepers & Blahmies |
1190.52 | Day Before Yesterday |
1320.11 | The Number of Digits in a Product |
1540.37 | Celeste in Obieland |
1540.41 | Brine Tank |
1540.51 | Electric Bill Printing |
1540.61 | Tape Sale |
1550.26 | Brick on a 2-Pan Scale |
2070.21 | Mrs. McGillicuddy's Age |
2140.71 | Beakers, Ratio of Acid to Water |
2150.21 | Reciprocal Symmetry |
2230.81 | Cathy the Cat Burglar |
2310.31 | Intersecting Lines |
2420.62 | Brick Wall |
2440.13 | Driving to Nirvana |
2600.12 | Awkward Postage Function |
2680.11 | Cubic to Quadratic to Linear |
2761.12 | Collinear Vertices of Squares |
3070.12 | A Supplement/Complement Conjecture |
3850.11 | Rhombi, Locus of Vertex |
3850.12 | The Caged Triangle |