Filter Settings
Stella Number | Problem Title |
1000.15 | Telling Time Backwards, Part I |
1000.21 | Floor Tile Reflection no. 1 |
1000.81 | Continue the Pattern |
1000.91 | Chessboard Dominoes |
1007.11 | The Impossible Path |
1009.31 | Counting Squares |
1020.12 | Covered Shapes |
1020.42 | Overlapping Squares |
1020.51 | Manhole Covers |
1027.11 | Partition This Shape no. 1 |
1027.14 | Partition This Shape no. 4 |
1027.15 | Partition This Shape no. 5 |
1040.11 | Ten Peach Trees |
1070.19 | Watson's Purchase |
1070.21 | Grandfather Clock Strikes |
1090.21 | Labeled Cube Views |
1090.42 | Six Toothpicks |
1090.71 | Twenty-Seven Little Cubes |
1090.73 | Cutting a White Pine |
1090.74 | How Big is This Cube? |
1090.75 | Fly on the Cube |
1100.51 | Agatha the Cow |
1100.71 | Martha the Grocer and her Two-Pan Scale |
1110.61 | Security Guards |
1130.11 | A Magic Square with Primes |
1180.37 | Dogs, Cats, Snakes |
1180.43 | Gleepers & Blahmies |
1230.44 | Glenda Aces a Quiz |
1230.53 | Who is in Which Family? |
1230.63 | Maurice’s Video Games |
1240.11 | A Fox, a Goose, and a Bag of Corn |
1250.11 | False Coin no. 1 |
1250.12 | False Coin no. 2 |
1250.13 | False Coins no. 3 |
1260.21 | Handshakes; Fly on the Wall |
1290.14 | Gym Class |
1310.25 | Super Venn Diagram |
1331.14 | Difference of Squares |
1332.11 | Whole Number Radicals |
1340.41 | LOVE |