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Stella NumberProblem Title
1000.14 Un-Knotting
1000.23 Floor Tile Reflection no. 3
1000.56 Yearbooks Meet Bookworm
1000.92 Students Change Seats
1010.42 More Sequences of Squares
1020.44 Dividing the Yin and the Yang
1040.31 Moving a Circle
1050.61 The Rolling Penny
1070.11 Limerick
1070.23 State a Theorem
1090.25 Bohemian Chain Mail
1090.26 Equitable Cake Cutting
1090.31 Mixed Sticks
1090.72 Cube, Orange, Made and Unmade
1090.91 The Pierced Cube
1090.93 The Six-Cubed Thing
1090.94 The L-shaped Block
1180.21 Missing Dollar
1180.36 Restaurant Staff Puzzle
1190.34 Kant's Clock
1190.52 Day Before Yesterday
1210.21 Cheerleader Tryout
1230.33 Four Athletes
1230.36 Tennis-Playing Family
1230.61 Amy, Brenda, Christa, Dana
1240.12 Four Men, Two Boys, and a Boat
1270.13 Globs and Glitches
1365.11 Decimals On Screen
1490.12 The Number One First Class Happy Bank
1510.52 Totem Pole
1540.35 Apples on a Hike
1540.37 Celeste in Obieland
1550.36 Splitting up Eighty-Eight
1680.11 Factorial Perfect Squares?
1720.11 TTT
1730.31 Counter-Factual Theory
2050.21 Four Fours
2050.22 Four Fours: Up to Forty
2070.12 Formula for Apple Fritters
2110.34 Three Numbers
Results 1 to 40 of 140