3155.41 – A Mystery Angle

In the figure, triangle ABC\triangle ABC has CA=CBCA = CB and angle C=20 \angle C = 20^\circ. In addition, BD=DCBD = DC and BE=BABE = BA. What is angle BDE\angle BDE?

Detailed Hint: Draw the arc of a circle with center BB and radius BDBD meeting BABA extended at XX and BCBC at YY. Draw segments DXDX and DYDY.



The figure shows the arc and lines suggested by the hint. To find angle BDE = D_3, we find D_2, D_4, and D_5. Then subtract from 180 degrees.

1. ABC\triangle ABC is isosceles, therefore A1=80A_1 = 80^\circ. BDC\triangle BDC is isosceles, therefore B2=20B_2 = 20^\circ and B1=60B_1 = 60^\circ. Note also that A2=100A_2 = 100^\circ.

2. BDY\triangle BDY is isosceles, therefore Y1=D3+D4=80Y_1 = D_3 + D_4 = 80^\circ. So D5=60D_5 = 60^\circ. Note that Y2isnowY_2 is now 100^\circ$.

3. XBD\triangle XBD is isosceles with B1=60B_1 = 60^\circ, therefore XBD\triangle XBD is equilateral, hence X=60\angle X = 60^\circ and XD=BD=DCXD = BD = DC.

4. X=D5\angle X = D_5, XD=BD=DCXD = BD = DC, and D1=C=20D_1 = \angle C = 20^\circ, therefore XADDYC\triangle XAD \cong \triangle DYC by ASA.

5. From 4, we get XA=DYXA = DY.

6. Since BXBA=BYBEBX - BA = BY - BE, XA=EYXA = EY. Thus EY=DYEY = DY and DYE\triangle DYE is isosceles.

7. We now conclude that E2=D4=50E_2 = D_4 = 50^\circ.

8. In BAD\triangle BAD,

D2=180B1A1=1806080=40\begin{align*}D_2 &= 180^\circ - B_1 - A_1 \\&= 180^\circ - 60^\circ - 80^\circ \\&= 40^\circ\end{align*}

9. D3=180D2D4D5=180405060=30\begin{align*}D_3 &= 180^\circ - D_2 - D_4 - D_5 \\&= 180^\circ - 40^\circ - 50^\circ - 60^\circ \\&= 30^\circ\end{align*}

This is the answer!