2530.41 – Composition with a Defined Operation

Let the (unary) operations \odot and \oslash be defined so that:

6=202=410=36\begin{aligned}6 \odot &= 20 \\2 \odot &= 4 \\10 \odot &= 36\end{aligned}


5=4.510=78=6\begin{aligned}5 \oslash &= 4.5 \\10 \oslash &= 7 \\8 \oslash &= 6\end{aligned}

Guess the general rule for both operations and then find 3.3\odot\odot\oslash.



6=202=410=36\begin{aligned}6 \odot &= 20 \\2 \odot &= 4 \\10 \odot &= 36\end{aligned}

we guess that x=4x4 x \odot = 4 x - 4 . Next from

5=4.510=78=6\begin{aligned}5 \oslash &= 4.5 \\10 \oslash &= 7 \\8 \oslash &= 6\end{aligned}

we guess that x=x2+2 x \oslash = \dfrac{x}{2} + 2. So,

3=8=28=163 \odot \odot \oslash = 8 \odot \oslash = 28 \oslash = 16