Gil is 17 years older than Keisha. If his age is written after hers, the result is a 4-digit perfect square. The same thing will happen in 13 years. How old is Keisha?
This could be solved with a lot of guessing and checking, but let’s see if we can use some algebra. Let be Keisha’s age. Then is Gil’s age. To put Keisha’s age before Gil’s means to consider the number . This is supposed to be a perfect square, say, ,
In 13 years, it will happen again. Let be the new perfect square so that
Hmmm. Observe that we now have
So, .
Now 1313 does factor into (both primes!). This suggests that must be 101 and . Solving gives and . Are these correct? Look at the squares. First,
suggesting that Keisha is 19, and Gil is . Then in 13 years, Keisha will be 32 and Gil will be 49. Well look:
Ta Daa! Keisha is 19.