1480.41 – Broken Radical Key

The   \sqrt{\ \ } key (the radical key) on your calculator is broken. How can you find 173\sqrt{173} to the nearest thousandth using only the four function keys: ++, -, ×\times, ÷\div?



Use a guess and check method. Here's a good one. Start with a guess GG whose square is close to 173173. Average GG and 173G\dfrac{173}{G}, that is, calculate G+173G2\dfrac{G + \dfrac{173}{G}}{2}. Repeat until you are satisfied.

In our example, take G=12G = 12, say, because 122=14412^2 = 144 isn't that far from 173173. As a first average, we get

12(12+17312)=13.20833333. \dfrac{1}{2} \cdot \left( 12 + \dfrac{173}{12} \right) = 13.20833333.

This is our new guess. How do we know when to be satisfied? We square the current result and compare it with 173. In this case:

13.208333332=174.46006946.13.20833333^2 = 174.46006946.

which is not yet correct at the thousandth place. So we repeat:

12(13.20833333+17313.20833333)=13.15306257. \dfrac{1}{2} \cdot \left( 13.20833333 + \dfrac{173}{13.20833333} \right) = 13.15306257.

And we check:

13.153062572=173.0030549.13.15306257^2 = 173.0030549.

Much better, but still not correct to the nearest thousandth. Again!

12(13.15306257+17313.15306257)=13.15294644. \dfrac{1}{2} \cdot \left( 13.15306257 + \dfrac{173}{13.15306257} \right) = 13.15294644.

This time:

13.152946442=173.000000.13.15294644^2 = 173.000000.

That is, our current result is correct within the nearest 10610^{-6} or so.

Note: For "the square root of 2", we can more easily say "radical 2". Why is this OK? Well, the Latin word for root is radix. What's a vegetable that comes to mind? Right: radish. So "extracting the square root of 2" is like pulling a radish. Sort of. Anyhow, it's a lot more fun to say "radical 2" than "the square root of 2". More: radical surgery goes to the root of the problem. And so on.