1230.54 – Students and Cars

Three students are named Sean, Juan, and Tran Vo. Each owns one of the following cars: a Honda, an antique Edsel, and a pink Fiat Cinquecento. Each student has a girlfriend, whose names are Carmen, Monique, and Ethyl (not in that order).

  • Tran Vo neither owns the Fiat nor is Monique's boyfriend.

  • The Honda does not belong to Juan nor is Carmen his girlfriend.

  • If Carmen's boyfriend is either Juan or Tran Vo, then the Fiat belongs to Ethyl's boyfriend.

  • If the Fiat belongs to Juan, then the Edsel does not belong to Carmen's boyfriend.

Sort this out: what is the name of each student's car and the name of his girlfriend?



There's really no better way than to make nine slips of paper with a name on each one. Push them around and, sooner or later, you'll come up with this:

  • Sean, Fiat, Carmen

  • Juan, Edsel, Monique

  • Tran Vo, Honda, Ethyl