Cameron spent her entire summer allowance the first day of camp. She sent the message "SEND MORE MONEY" to her parents as a jokey way of telling them what happened (as well as asking for more). In the figure below, each letter stands for a numeral (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or 9). The same letter always stands for the same numeral and two different letters never stand for the same numeral. See if you can figure out what each letter stands for.

This is a classic, crypt-arithmetic problem.
It is best to argue from left to right. The first thing, then, is to realize that . This is because two four-digit numbers cannot add up to more than 19,998. Then, our first step looks like part (a) of the figure below.
Now, because is two-digits, and also because there might be a carry of 1 from , it follows that or .
Now things get tricky. We have to consider both possibilities and hope to eliminate one of them.
If , then doesn't alone produce a two-digit sum, so a 1 must be carried from . It must be true, then, that
This means that . If so, then for a 1 to carry over to , it must be true that also is two-digits, and, for this to be true, we must have as well as include a 1 carried from . However, if all this is true, then we must have . This would let us carry the 1 over to the next column, but it would also mean that and this cannot be true, as it must be that for any of this to work.
Thus, we reject and conclude that . Knowing this, we can reason that no 1 was carried from the result of , as we would then have , meaning that , which cannot be true as we already know that it is the that equals . Therefore , which means that and and so we have arrived at part (b) of the figure.
Next, because and , there must be a 1 carried from , and therefore . We also know that either , or perhaps (if a 1 is carried from ) is two-digits and is the units digit. Another way of stating this is that one of two things must be true. Either , or .
In the first case, if we substitute the known identity into the , we get , which simplified, gives , which can't be true since is . This leads us to conclude that the second case is true. Then, using the same substitution, we find that
which simplified tells us that and we have reached part (c) of the figure.
From previous steps, we know that . We also know that neither nor is 0, 1, 8, or 9 as these digits are already spoken for. This means that the pair can be only . Recall that we have already concluded that a 1 is being carried from . This means that . Finally, because and can't be 0, 1, 8 or 9, just one of the following is true:
What follows next is a lot of guessing and checking to identify the one solution, which, in the end, is given in part (d) of the figure. Hopefully this doesn't mean that Cameron wants her parents to send $10,652.