Non-Routine Mathematics Problems for Middle and High School Students

Welcome to a library of more than 700 engaging and challenging mathematics problems, arranged for easy access by topic, with numerous suggestions for using them with students.
Here are three links.
Getting Started Quickly: for getting a handful of problems into your students' hands right away.
Guided Tour: basic information about problems, index numbers, and problem sets.
Foreword: lays out the website for you in detail and explains the rationale for its existence.
Since this website is all about solving problems, we start by inviting you to doff your teacher hat and to take some time to play with a few problems selected just for you.
Think about how you're thinking as you work on them; think about how you feel when you get one or when you get stuck.
When you've had enough of that for now, we suggest you go back to some of the major sections of the user guide.
Developer Log
Hello all visitors of Stella's Stunners.
First of all, thank you for continuing to use this website, and my apologies for anyone who experienced issues accessing the website over the past couple of months.
Second, if you've been here before, you may notice that the font size has increased slightly. Without going into too much detail, I'll say I've made a lot of changes behind the scenes as well. I've also taken some time to edit all the problems individually to improve readability and clarity, and I've retracted a few problems to make further edits.
I will continue to use these developer logs to communicate changes to the website, which I'm happy to say has become much easier to develop and maintain than before. My current goals are to rest over the holidays and then edit the problems I unpublished. Eventually, I would like to re-implement the ability for users to create their own problem sets, but that will take a while.
Finally, in as much as a modest website like this can have a political stance, it is in solidarity to all teachers across America that will suffer under Trump's Deparment of Education (or potentially even the lack thereof). Maintaining this website is a passion project of mine, and Rudd Crawford is not as involved as he used to be. Regardless, I welcome the perspectives of – and suggestions from – any and all teachers that use these math problems in their classrooms and beyond.